Saturday, July 15, 2017

Roses are red.......

Roses are red, violets are blue, roses will help you......

Roses are one of the world most revered flowers. The variety of colors roses come in is substantial and we as humans we have assigned special connections with these colors and relationships. For instance red means romance, yellow friendship, pink admiration and so on.

However, Roses have been used throughout history for skin and health care. The most influential cultures at any certain time period used and benefited from the health effects of roses. According to an article entitled Pharmacological Effects of Rose Damascena (Boskabady, Shafei, Saberi & Amini, 2011) R. damascena as a decoction for a remedy for cough. This is one example of how Rose has been used for benefitting health.

A second example of its use is in the Iranian culture. Decoction of the flowers have a variety of benefits that include: abdominal and chest issues and discomfort, menstral bleeding, digestive problems and health issues involving inflammation as reported Mahboubi (2015).

There are many benefits one can derive from essential oils and plants essences. Franelos & Komini speak to some of these benefits in their article that's states "Literature review and most of the researches have shown that aromatotherapy causes various actions favorable for patients such as relaxation, reductions in anxiety, depression and fatigue, and improvements in quality of life via nervous, endocrine, immune, and circulatory systems, there for could be applied as a complementary therapy for people with anxiety symptoms" (2015). However alternatives medicine is not a cure and a physician should always be consulted espesiclly with serious health conditions. 

Today I would like to present the Rose line by Chiara Bella Naturals. This line includes all natural cleansers, scrubs and masks. The Rose line mask cleanser, and scrub come dry. Just add water and your good to go. By using dry ingredients the longevity can be ensured and there is no need for chemicals and preservatives. These products are non-gmo, organic and natural.
     Mask: Rose kaolin, Rose powder, Brown Rice flour and yogurt powder
     Cleanser: Rose kaolin, Rose petals, Oatmeal and Flax meal
     Scrub: Rose kaolin, Rose powder, flax meal, turbinado sugar & baking soda

Our products offer natures answer to skin care. We utilize organic and natural ingredients which come dry.This ensures that they last longer and done lose their natural properites that benefit the skin.

Just ADD water and you are good to go. Use appoximpately half a tablespoon of product and then add approximately half a tablespoon of water, mix and apply to face.

Roses have been revered for centuries for it properties that benefit the skin. Dating back to anciet Greece and Rome. Rose has antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties, making it ideal for topical for a host of issues including abrasions, burns and skin conditions. It has also been used to ease sore throats, fever and cough. The benefits of rose for the skin includes: antiinflammatory, antibacterial, antioxidant, natural toner and moisturizing.
Sugar: is a natural humectant-which draws moister to the skin, a naturally source of glycolic a alpha-hydroxyl acids in it, exfoliates and removes dry/dead skin
Glycolic has the smallest molecules in the group of AHA so is able to penetrate skin deeply and easily, making it the most effective for treating fine lines, acne, blackheads, dullness, oiliness etc. It works on dissolving sebum and other substances that bind cells together. Dead skin cells are sloughed off revealing smoother, brighter, younger looking skin.
Rose Kaolin is a very mild clay that is very beneficial to all skin types but ideal for sensitive skin. It have anti-inflammatory benefits, gentally exfoliates, smooths, gentally draws impurities from the skin, helps reduce pores and puffiness. ( 

Order today and start your skin care journey to wellness!!


Fradelos E., Komini A.. The Use of Essential Oils as a Complementary Treatment for Anxiety. American Journal of Nursing Science. Special Issue: Mental Health Care: Aspects, Challenges and Perspectives. Vol. 4, No. 2-1, 2015, pp. 1-5. doi: 10.11648/j.ajns.s.2015040201.11

Mahboubi M. Rosa damascena as holy ancient herb with novel applications. Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine. 2016;6(1):10-16. doi:10.1016/j.jtcme.2015.09.

Boskabady MH, Shafei MN, Saberi Z, Amini S. Pharmacological Effects of Rosa DamascenaIranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences. 2011;14(4):295-307.

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